Wind Energy
Listen to the wind! As we propel ourselves into the future it’s becoming more and more apparent each day that renewables are the future of energy. And while we’ll still be relying on things like coal, crude oil, and even liquified natural gas for the next few decades, there will come a time when these are things of the past. Solar panels, wave energy, lithium batteries–these are the future. But if you’ve ever gone for a drive in more desolate areas of the highways in the last few decades then you may have noticed wind turbines. These tall white pillars reach into the air, catch the wind, and convert that into energy. More and more countries and companies are realizing the potential of harnessing wind energy, creating wind farms both on and offshore. But the technology is still ever-evolving, so join us for today’s video, where we count down the top 15 cool wind turbines.Credit Top Fives