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7 Mind-Blowing Instagram Practices to Become a Marketing Superstar

(Marketing Superstar)

Right from its inception in 2010, Instagram has grown to be one of the fastest growing social media platforms to date. Having more than 300 million active users all over the world, it is clear that this interactive and picture sharing mobile application is showing no signs of slowing down. The simple evidence is the presences of prospective customers who are not only present but active on this platform.

One might think that handling an effective Instagram account consist of posting interesting photos and sitting back to see how many likes and comments it gets. Even though this method is effective for personal accounts and you might get one or two followers, still there is very little involved in maximizing the visibility of target markets

(Marketing Superstar)
Right from its inception in 2010, Instagram has grown to be one of the fastest growing social media platforms to date. Having more than 300 million active users all over the world, it is clear that this interactive and picture sharing mobile application is showing no signs of slowing down. The simple evidence is the presences of prospective customers who are not only present but active on this platform.

One might think that handling an effective Instagram account consist of posting interesting photos and sitting back to see how many likes and comments it gets. Even though this method is effective for personal accounts and you might get one or two followers, still there is very little involved in maximizing the visibility of target markets

What Is The Hurdle Brands And Firms Have?
One of the biggest hurdles brands and business-minded individuals go through is understanding that Instagram is not all about selling. If you are using your Instagram account as a megaphone for promoting your services or products, then you are surely going to lose followers and end up feeling like you have been shouting in a deserted area. Buying followers on Instagram can be a great strategy, but sometimes you need to try traditional methods to gain substantial likes and followings.

Just think how interesting it would be to have a dynamic Instagram account? New visitors will feel enticed to start following you so that they can get fast updates on coveted personal feeds.

Factors Involved In Instagram Success

1) Make Your Visuals Attractive
Instagram is all about mind-blowing content and attractive visuals. Just scroll through the thousands of popular feed and see the number of likes and views. It will give a clear picture on why various brands and firms use Instagram for driving engagement.

Just think of Instagram as a billboard campaign. To drive the attention of the individuals on the highway, you would never select a mundane or ugly billboard. Having more than 500 million users, people are constantly trying to explore all the corners of Instagram, so it is necessary to present your brand in the best and most beautiful way.

2) Connecting With Other Social Media Platforms
One of the significant and often overlooked features is the Bio section of your profile page. Now this is the section having all the critical information which new visitors need to know like who you are, where to find you and what you do. Plus, as it is the first place which a visitor will see. So try to add some personality to the description so that you can entice them to check out your account.

By linking your social media platforms, you are expanding your reach to existing as well as new communities. So, if your brand or business is handling any blogs having certain online traction, you must make sure that videos and photos are embedded from Instagram to develop an avenue for the traffic to come to your website.

Additionally, try to capitalize on the integration Facebook provides for your Instagram account so that you can reach a wider audience. By making your Instagram account visible on your Facebook page, you can easily unify various communities and even increase the amount of sharing and engagement.

3) Utilizing Commonly Used Hashtags
As you have extensive experience in social media, you are well acquainted with the various lingo associated with them. Hashtagging photos on Instagram is nothing but filing a particular image that you have posted to a huge folder containing the content shared by using the similar hashtag. Frankly, this is a no-brainer for brands which are related to the trending topics and industry related keywords.


Make sure to use relevant, popular hashtags at the beginning of your account. The hashtag must attract visitors to your account and assist in increasing the number of followers.


4) Know Current Trends And Changes On Instagram

The important characteristic of Instagram is that it is often changing, and you must be aware of the new features, trends, and updates when it becomes public.  In 2016, there were various changes introduced by Instagram and still there are many to come as the year is ending.

Currently, some of the major Instagram updates consist of –



5) Being Genuine And Interesting
One of the major significant tactics to make your Instagram account prosperous and gain a huge amount of attention is through posting attention-grabbing video and images. If your Instagram posts are somewhat low quality or mediocre, then the chances of creating brand new followers and maintaining the existing community are very slim.

As Instagram is a ‘social network’, so try to make sure that your account has a heartbeat. Followers enjoy the feeling of getting an insider’s look at your business and if it is disingenuous, they will get turned off. The photos you post must capture the lifestyle of your customer and must be relevant to your brand.

It is best if you can maintain a balance among the fun pictures like pics of cute and adorable animals, company outings, funny pop-culture references which are mingled with the promotional business pictures.

6) Planning Your Post
Your ‘feed speed‘ and the frequency of your post plays a significant role in leveraging the customer experience. Frankly, there is a fine line between frequently posting that followers forget you exist and agitating them by clogging your newsfeed. This fine line is what thrives for your company, and it can be sustained with a flexible posting schedule, which gives you the time to track what works for you and provides the direction that needs to be taken.

7) Have Contests
Do you know the optimal tactic to ignite engagement? It is by holding contests. You can easily do it on Instagram, and it is shared among all the linking accounts so that you can gain some visibility. Just by inquiring with followers to add a single and common hashtag which gets stored together, the mind-blowing and creative prospects of contest ideas are endless.

Providing perks to followers in the form of contests and giveaways will create a buzz on your account and assist in establishing a major priority for reviewing your page.

There are multiple methods to fail and succeed on Instagram, however, following the above-given tactics will ensure that there is a better chance of making your content engaging.

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