Adobes New Predictive Agents Are Stunning…. (Adobe AI Agents)

Adobes New Predictive Agents Are Stunning…. (Adobe AI Agents)

00:00 Adobe Agents
00:39 AI Assistant
01:14 Agents Explained
02:22 Audience Agent
03:20 Audience Example
04:21 Journey Agent
05:26 Personalized Journeys
06:25 Experimentation Agent
07:01 Marketing Experiments
08:07 Marriott Example
08:57 Marriott Demo
10:39 Audience Demo
11:38 Journey Creation
12:52 Experimentation Demo
13:42 Brand Concierge
14:19 Concierge Explained
15:36 Concierge Demo
17:47 Real-Time Analytics
18:17 Final Thoughts

#LLM #Largelanguagemodel #chatgpt
Credit to : TheAIGRID

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