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Best 5 Ways to gain a higher ranking on Google

Best 5 Ways to Gain a Higher Rank On Google

Webmasters would do their best to get listed on Google’s first result page.

However, a vast majority of them do not embark on the right techniques necessary for achieving this end.

A single strategy will definitely not get you listed among the first 10 rankings on Google’s result page.

You need to work on all possible elements of your website in order to increase the chances of being listed.

Explore the top 5 factors listed below that influence your website’s ranking on Google’s search results:

1. Accessibility of the Website

It is senseless to embark on optimization of your web pages when your web pages are not accessible by search engines.

Prior to your web pages optimization, verify if the contents of your web pages are readable to the search engines.

This can be achieved with a spider simulator.

2. Site Architecture

Google is only interested in displaying relevant sites in the search result page.

Ensuring that there is relationship between the pages of your website is a good way to be ranked among the top

10 positions in Google search results. Therefore, don’t structure your website in a way that

makes it look more like a collection of random web pages.

The arrangement of your web pages should indicate to Google that your site is related to a central topic.

It is necessary that the pages of your website be linked. A web visitor should be able to access your site with few clicks.

The categorization of your website contents should be made easier for search engine by the way you structure your links and directory.

3. Keywords

Among the top secrets of earning a higher ranking on Google, is the right choice of keywords.

A wrong selection of keywords means total failure of your campaign.

Generally, the conversion rate for targeted keywords is much higher when compared to general keywords.

Again, consider the nature of visitors that will be attracted with the keyphrase based on whether they want to make an actual

purchase or just need some information.

4. Uniqueness of Website Content

If your website contents are a mere duplication of articles and links from other websites, then don’t even hope to earn high rankings.

Distinguish your site from the crowd by creating high quality and unique content; also ensure that the articles are centred on your general topic.

Your website should contain useful resources.

5. Other Websites that Link to Your Website

One of the top factors for ranking high in Google is the links from other websites. But ensure that such links are from relevant and quality websites.

Our Internet marketing services team can provide you with a wide variety of ways to promote
and market your business online. Please visit our website dedicated to this area: Ace Internet Marketing.

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