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Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for Fleet Tracking.

Global positioning systems (GPS) for Vehcile and Fleet tracking.

GPS is becoming an increasingly valuable and more affordable business tool for companies of all sizes, and the latest technology is offering a better return on investment with new features such as enhanced data capture capabilities, easy-to-use detailed reports, and pinpoint-accurate vehicle tracking. Overall, these upgrades are improving dealers’ capabilities to manage inventory en route, improve on-time deliveries, and increase profitability.

“As the cost of putting a vehicle on the road continues to rise, it only makes more and more sense for owners and managers to implement a [GPS] system to help reduce cost and improve productivity, Nothing can give a business owner or manager a clearer picture of how his mobile assets and people are being utilised throughout the day.

Both “passive” and “live” GPS systems currently on the market are providing companies with enhanced functionality to do this, through uses such as stored historical routes, detailed activity reports, speeding or out-of-area job monitoring, onsite invoicing, and the ability to monitor real-time activity over the Internet.

While live systems typically transmit through a combination of GPS, Internet, and wireless technology, passive vehicle units, which are ideal for contractors who do not require constant vehicle monitoring or tracking, transfer downloaded information to the

GPS units are becoming more accessible, thanks in part to more competition in the hardware and wireless technology sectors and more user-friendly Web-based software programs. Now, a manager is able to tell how many stops were made throughout the day and within three clicks you have a report at your fingertips. Additionally, report generators have become easier to read and understand. Reports display information comprehendible for managers across all levels.

We now offer a new range of vehcile/Fleet Tracking solutions, with additional features like Dallas one wire technology meaning various sensors , devices can be connected to give added value solution Devices like Keyfob type ID device, identifies driver, useful when different drivers use same vehicle e.g on shift work

Temperature sensors: for refridgerated units.
Door open/close sensors
We also have an LCD display add on device
This allows management to text the driver using the gps tracker device , thus negating need for driver to be supplied with mobile phone.

This also has 4 buttons, an acknowledgement button for messages and also a programmable alarm button, could be used in cash transit vans or any situation where driver needs to alert head office.

Contact is on callsave 1850 50 30 50 for further information

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