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Key Tips to successful Bespoke Website Development

The traditional Bespoke Website design process
has evolved over the years and is still
employed on certain projects.

This process creates unique bespoke websites
that are unique and individual to the particular Business
and its individual needs.

Typically the process begins with close interaction
between a website designer and client and the exchange of
information and then the creation of the online presence
as a joint collaboration between client and designer.

Other options like : Building your own website
There are also web based services that will allow you the client to create your own website.
These usually result in websites that are poor in design and limited in functionality and
scale ability.

If you do decide to employ a website designer than we have some advice on how
you should approach things.

Tips for Employing a website designer
When you are looking for a web site designer, please bear in mind the following:

Once you have narrowed down your options then ensure the following:

Once you have found your web site designer and fleshed out a plan
then ensure it includes the following:

Other important issues that you will need to clarify:

Thanks the Techstore Team

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