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Using the Ipad to Engage with your Customers

We all know and love the iPad. We have become familiar with it over very recent years and we have
grown comfortable using it in our personal lives, whether it be for gaming or for banking, and so
forth. As we move into 2012, however, we will begin to see the iPad more and more in the
commercial sector as both restaurants and retailers climb over each other to integrate the
technology into their services.

Presenting your site on your iPads
Businesses are able to use the iPad to present their
sites and can use them to elicit feedback through
surveys. Applications can be built to serve
whatever purpose a business sees fit as and
when is necessary. The iPad can be used to
collate customer information to be stored
for a later date and it can even be used as a
menu from which customers can place their
food orders.

Displaying information for your customers’ attention
The iPad is naturally engaging and draws in attention from others. As such, the iPad can
be used to connect with customers in bars and restaurants to display information about
offers and deals, or just to encourage people to come over and give feedback about the
service they have received. Using the customer details that are collected, it is possible
for the business to keep in contact with their customers.


Connecting through social media
Restaurants and stores in many locations are starting to realise the benefits of iPad apps
to connect with their consumer audience whilst in store. As such, more and more iPad
apps are rising up around this trend that can be used for social media marketing purposes.
Where businesses do not have the capital to invest in developing an app that can be used
to engage their customers, third party apps can be bought instead.

Using the iPad at corporate events
The iPad can be used both in store and at corporate events to display information, the
company site, and other educational materials. The technology is incredibly versatile
and multi-faceted.

If you are thinking about using your iPad to display your website at a business function
or trade show then you might want to think about getting a web browser other than the
one that comes with the software. This is because you may find that your internet use is
restricted somewhat if you do not look elsewhere for a browser.


Using the iPad in your marketing strategy
If you use social media to promote your business then you can advertise this fact in store
using your iPad by displaying all of the sites you are connected to. You could display your
landing page or profile for people to navigate and look through. You could even allow them
to log in to their own profile and add you as a friend, or like your page etc. The social media
trend is by no means a new one but it is one that has only recently taken off in the
commercial sector. To combine this trend with that of the iPad, would place your business
ahead of the rest, in terms of your marketing strategies.


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