Wood pellets are a type of wood fuel, generally made from compacted sawdust.
They are usually produced as a byproduct of sawmilling and other wood transformation activities.
The wood pellets are extremely dense and can be produced with a low humidity content (below 10%) that allows them to be burned with a very high combustion efficiency.
Storage of wood pellets
Wood pellet usually has a moisture content level of approx 5-10%.
This is compared to normal fire wood which usual has a moisture content of approx 20%.
Pellets tend to loose their effectiveness and crumble and thus become unusable
if they are exposed to moisture or damp surfaces therefore its essential that
the wood pellet must remain dry for the entire storage cycle.
The best solution for a Wood Pellet Boiler or Stove is to install a Pellet Storage
Unit. This is because the wood pellet is far cheaper when bough loose in bulk and the the
pellet storeage unit can either be built either outside the house or inside.
The pellets will then be transported to the boiler by an automatic feed system.
This feed system usually uses a screw type auger feed mechanism
which feeds fresh pellets into the stove all the time.
Some manufactures have designed and manufactured equipment to fit in well
in the home with the burner sometimes integrated into the existing fireplace
and the other components blending in well with the rest of the home.
Filling the wood pellet storage container is typically done just once a day;
this is much less labour intensive compared to typical solid fuel appliances
in the home which typically have to be cleaned out and then reloaded daily,
wood pellet is much cleaner and produces little of no ash compared to a traditional solid fire unit.
Wood Pellet Storage Units
Biowin Wood pellet storage units are leaders in their field, they have a
unique suction feed so that the Pellets can be transported from the storage
unit direct to the heating unit. This ward winning system completely empties
storage units and is it completly maintanence free.
Guarantee of Quality:
Biowin is by Windhager which is a third generation Wood Pellet Boiler manufacturer from Austria.
The Austrians are European leaders in Wood Pellet Boiler technologies & Windhager are
Austrian market leaders so your guarantee of quality is insured.
Wood pellet Storage options:
The BioWIN range of wood pellet storage units, they are 4 storage options available.
Wood Pellet Storage Units
With its unique suction feed the pellets can be transported from storage room independent of the heating room.
This award winning system completely empties storage room & is maintanence free. Bulk storage of pellets is considerably cheaper to buy & would be recommended for people looking to make big savings on energy bills.
Guarantee of Quality:
Biowin is by Windhager which is a third generation Wood Pellet Boiler manufacturer from Austria.
The Austrians are European leaders in Wood Pellet Boiler technologies & Windhager are
Austrian market leaders so your guarantee of quality is insured.
Thanks the Techstore Team